CleanWater Charity

Join us in preserving marine ecosystems for a sustainable future.

$ Raised for the Sea

We have recycled 75% of the waste from our clean-up initiatives, significantly reducing ocean plastic and pollutants.

Research and Innovation

Showcasing ongoing research projects, technological innovations to ocean preservation.

Our Mission

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100% of Donations Fund Clean and Safe Drinking Water

Join us in preserving marine ecosystems for a sustainable future. Join us in preserving marine ecosystems for a sustainable future.


Current Initiatives & Projects

Coastal Cleanup

Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.

Goal: $250,000

Marine Education

Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.

Goal: $50,000

Habitat Restoration

Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.

Goal: $150,000

Oceanic Scale

Diving into the Numbers


Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, making them the planet’s largest habitat.

More than 500 coral species can be found in coral reefs, each contributing to the vibrant colors and biodiversity.

Scientists estimate that there are over 1.5 million species yet to be discovered in the depths of the ocean.

Our Coral Reef Restoration project aims to revitalize degraded coral reefs in Miami through a combination of coral transplantation, artificial reef structures, & community involvement.

How You Can Help

Getting Involved


Join the Team

Cultivating resilient coral species in nurseries and transplanting them onto damaged.


Become a Volunteer

Installing artificial reef structures to provide habitat for marine life and enhance the resilience.


Make a Donation

Installing artificial reef structures to provide habitat for marine life and enhance the resilience.

Donate Our Programs

Our Blog

VR en las escuelas

VR en las escuelas

Realidad Virtual en el Aprendizaje¿Cómo Transformar los Eventos Escolares en Experiencias Inmersivas y Educativas?¿Te imaginas que tus estudiantes puedan explorar el espacio, viajar al pasado, o incluso caminar por las maravillas del mundo antiguo sin salir del salón...

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Automatización de Marketing

Automatización de Marketing

En el mundo competitivo de hoy, las empresas buscan constantemente maneras de optimizar sus operaciones y maximizar sus recursos. La automatización de marketing se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para lograr estos objetivos, permitiendo a las empresas automatizar tareas repetitivas, personalizar las interacciones con los clientes y mejorar la eficiencia general. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo la automatización de marketing puede transformar tu negocio y llevarlo al siguiente nivel.

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Beneficios de la Realidad Aumentada en Marketing y Publicidad

Beneficios de la Realidad Aumentada en Marketing y Publicidad

La realidad aumentada (AR) está cambiando el panorama del marketing y la publicidad, proporcionando a las marcas nuevas formas de interactuar con los consumidores y ofrecer experiencias inmersivas. En este artículo, exploraremos los beneficios clave de la realidad aumentada en marketing y publicidad y cómo puedes aprovechar esta tecnología para destacar en un mercado competitivo.

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Join Us in the Journey to Revive and Protect These Underwater Wonderlands for Future Generations.